Rest, Relax and Nurture Your Biological Clock This Holiday Season

The human body has a 24-hour internal biological clock, called the circadian rhythm, which synchronizes to the natural light-dark cycles. Disruption of the circadian rhythm due to poor sleep and lifestyle habits can increase the risks of many chronic diseases/disorders. Take the opportunity to nurture your circadian rhythm during the holidays.

Health Benefits of Nuts That May Surprise You

Nuts not only are tasty whole food snacks, but they are also rich in health promoting nutritional compounds which help to combat many chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease, cancer). Find out more about what scientific research shows about the health benefits of nut consumption, the appropriate amount of nuts to consume, and a list of healthy nuts in terms of antioxidant content.

Spring Detox – What and Why?

What is Spring Detox or Spring Cleanse for the body? Why do we need it? Find out more about the changes happening to the body during wintertime, and the importance of Spring Detox/Cleanse in supporting the body to restore balance.

Let’s Stretch – For Your Health

Stretching has much broader health benefits than one might think, far beyond musculoskeletal health, and including other physiological health such as lowering blood pressure, improving heart health, reducing blood glucose levels, etc. Find out more here.

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