Don’t Let Your Symptoms Define You and Your Life!
You Can Take Charge by Going After the Real Underlying
ROOT CAUSES of Your Health Challenges.

Dealing with lingering, unresolved health challenges?
Symptoms are not the root of the problems, but the results of hidden stressors and underlying dysfunctions in your body, i.e., the ROOT CAUSES.
I am your health detective to help uncover the real underlying ROOT CAUSES of your health challenges, instead of merely chasing after and masking symptoms with band-aid approaches.
I then customize a set of holistic protocols to address these ROOT CAUSES and support your body in restoring balance, encompassing holistic diet, nutrition & supplements, and lifestyle practices.
Find out if Functional Health Coaching is for you.
Guiding You to Optimal Wellness & Vibrant Living Holistically

Hi, I am Mo-Han Fong. I am a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), and a Certified Gut Thrive Practitioner (GT5P).
Each person is unique. You deserve the care and support you need for your healing journey.
My mission is to empower you to take charge and reclaim your health and vitality!
And yes, it’s possible when you go after the real underlying ROOT CAUSES!
I know exactly how it is to feel stuck and frustrated with lingering health issues, no matter how hard you try, because I’ve been there myself (see My Story).
Let me be your guide. Here is how I support my clients:
- Deep-dive ROOT CAUSE investigation
- Personalized protocols & guidance
- Sustainable diet & lifestyle practices
- Educational materials, eGuide, recipes, etc. that you can keep and use for the rest of your life
- Holistic mind-body-energetic approach to healing
- Ongoing support
Your health is your best asset. Invest in your health now, and reap the dividends for years to come.
When you have all the energy and vitality, you can be your best self and the sky is the limit!
Find out what your symptoms are telling you about your hormonal imbalances.
Reclaim Your Hormonal Harmony by Restoring a Balanced Inner Ecology

Hormonal issues are common among women. But common doesn’t mean normal. Not at all!
You can ditch your PMS, irregular periods, perimenopause, menopause, fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, and other hormonal issues and symptoms for good, by going after the real underlying ROOT CAUSES of your hormonal imbalances, rather than coping with and masking your symptoms with a long list of pills or supplements.
You will be guided through a personalized holistic protocol encompassing diet, nutrition, supplements and lifestyle practices designed to address these root causes and help restore balance in your body.
Restore Your Gut Health for a Healthy Body and Mind

“All Diseases Begin in the Gut” is a famous quote by Hippocrates, an ancient Greek Physician (460 BC), widely considered as the Father of Medicine. Modern science has substantiated this claim.
The health of your gut significantly affects your immune system, hormonal balance, brain, liver, metabolic function, skin, sleep and eyes.
If you have been struggling with digestive issues or other chronic health conditions including metabolic disorders (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, weight issues), hormonal issues, autoimmune disorders, allergies & sensitivities, skin problems, chronic fatigue, joint pain, etc., your gut health might be the missing piece.
You will be guided through a personalized gut rebuilding protocol to help you restore this key foundation to your overall health.
Take action now! One conversation can change your life, for the better.
Uncover the Missing Pieces to Your Health Puzzle

Why Stress is the Culprit
Do you feel all wound up and simply not feeling your best? Stress has widespread effects on our body functions and health. Stress is multifaceted and not just mental/emotional. Environmental toxins, wrong diets, sleep deprivation, chronic inflammation, physical trauma, etc. all constitute major stressors to our body. Systematically identifying and resolving stressors to our body is a crucial step toward rebuilding our health.

Why Your Gut-Feeling Matters
You are what you eat, digest, absorb and metabolize! Gut dysfunction not only affects digestion, absorption and elimination, but is a hidden stressor that cascades to many health challenges including impaired immune function, sleep disorders, food sensitivity/intolerance/allergy, autoimmune disorders, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and impaired brain functions. Heal your gut, heal your body!

Don’t Overlook the Toxic Burden in Your Body
You might be eating the most nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and doing all the ‘right’ things, yet you’re not making progress and still experiencing lingering, chronic health issues. Have you considered that the toxic burden in your body might be the primary underlying culprit? Toxins are ubiquitously present in our daily life – air, foods, water, personal care products, household cleaning products, cookware, and other consumer goods. It is not a question of whether you have toxins in your body, but rather how much of a toxic load has accumulated in your body since the day you were conceived in your mother’s womb. Read More…

Female Hormonal Health:
The Fine Balance
Are your hormones out of whack (mood swing, PMS, sleep issues, fatigue etc.)? The balance of estrogen and progesterone play vital roles to many aspects of women’s health, not just reproductive health. Estrogen excess/dominance and estrogen deficiency are two major manifestations of the imbalance. However, hormonal imbalance is often not the root of the problem, but rather an outcome of other hidden stressors and dysfunctions.